What not to say about yourself in a job interview
So, what not to say about yourself in a job interview? Let’s figure it out and get the job of your dreams.
You submitted your resume for a great job and were invited for an interview. You have already passed the first stage of your job search on layboard.in, but then you have to make the best impression at the interview, not only as a great specialist, but also as a worthy person.
Applicants often complain and discuss on various forums that recruiters always ask the same questions, the answers to which can be found by carefully reading the resume. On the one hand, this is undoubtedly true. But we all know: you can write anything, but to tell it all in your own words is quite another matter. The recruiter wants to hear personally about everything you have written.
The most favorite question by recruiters and disliked by applicants sounds very simple: “Tell us about yourself.” No interview is complete without this phrase. Everyone applying for a job has heard it in their address. But despite such popularity, most often, applicants are lost: “What should I say? Should I talk about my butterfly collection or the red diploma of the institute? Or maybe I should describe my character traits?”.
The question “Tell us about yourself” is asked 99% of the time. The main goal is to see how you structure your information and how briefly you can present your experience. It is a mistake to start with the story of how you graduated 20 years ago and how your career has been built over time. No one needs a biographical note. First, the person interviewing wants you to be successful because he needs an employee. Second, remember that you definitely shouldn’t talk about some things. For example, only recount your whole life. The employer does not need to know what school you attended, what clubs you attended, and what you dreamed of being as a child.
What to avoid
Retell your resume verbatim. The interlocutor can read it himself. Focus now on what you’ve done. That’s cool.
Talk about your experiences without supporting your words with examples. You may think you’re embellishing reality or lying in general.
Mention accomplishments that are not professionally relevant. It’s great that you bake delicious scones. But it’s not likely to get you an accountant or editor job.
To sum up, the main secret of a successful story about yourself is preparation and a positive attitude. Remember that you can attract a recruiter and get the desired job even without having an excellent track record but having presented yourself correctly. Also, you should prepare carefully beforehand, so you don’t have to dig through your memory at the interview. First, choose three or five recent accomplishments significant to the position you are applying for. Briefly describe them, citing specific examples. Next, define a case from your practice that characterizes you as a professional. Your self-presentation should not be extended. Three to five minutes is enough. Then the interviewer will start asking questions, and you will keep the dialogue going.