As we all know, English is a globally spoken language. But if you think you can read or understand and speak English, you have a good command of it, but that’s not true. The real task is to write English. Writing English can be challenging as well, especially for those who are learning it as a second language.
What is an essay?
An essay is a composition of short forms of interpretive or analytical literature which is based on a single subject, it often requires the opinion of the author.
To write a perfect essay, you first need to know which topic you want to discuss. Choosing a topic is important to start an essay. It doesn’t matter whether the topic is common or unique, what matters is how well you are going to put your essay. For Example global warming is a popular and common essay topic but still it has its importance.
After choosing the topic of your choice, start brainstorming. Take a blank page, write your topic in the centre, and point out the relevant information regarding the topic. For this step, you can also use different books or the internet for research on the topic.
After that, you are done with the raw content. Recheck your resources, whether they are reliable. Especially if you are writing facts and figures. When we have access to a wide range of data, it is important to evaluate research sources carefully and only try out the credible ones.
Don’t use Wikipedia as a reliable resource, read through published journals and research studies. This will take a lot of time, but you will definitely get the best resources and a good concept for your essay.
Come up with a thesis statement and then write an outline of your essay. Don’t rush to write your essay after drawing a basic outline. Figure out where to put your content, in which paragraph should the facts go and where to put quotations. You can also use list of adjectives starting with the letter W. This will make your essay writing fun and you may get to know new verbs.
Before starting your essay, you must first know what are the parts of the essay. Most essays are categorised into the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.
Introduction: is the road map for the entire essay. The beginning of your essay will help your examiner determine the tone of your essay. You can either start with a poem, quotation or with an argument if the essay is argumentative. You can also start it with a short story or seen from your personal or learned experience.
One of the best ways is to start with a quotation and then link the quotation with your essay.
Thesis statement: in an essay is the main idea of writing an essay and helps control the idea of delivering it to the examiner. Thesis statement is not the actual topic, but it appears at the conclusion of the introductory paragraph.
Main point to focus on is that your introduction must be coherent. Do Not reuse the same vocabulary in the paragraph.
Body of the essay: primarily, it describes the essay and the point you have raised in your introductory paragraph. Within the body of the essay comes its structure, which is the crucial part of an essay. This authenticates the writer’s grip on the topic. Body of the essay comprises the following important points that are; organisation, relevance and clarity.
Conclusion of the essay: a concluding paragraph gives the reader an idea of the important points of the Essay. Don’t include new arguments or evidence in the concluding paragraph.
Using difficult vocabulary throughout your essay can divert the examiner’s attention. You just need to use good vocabulary and perfect grammar to make your essay perfect. Extraordinary vocabulary just makes your essay more confusing and puzzling.
Revision: Evaluate your essay, whether your essay follows the requirements of the topic. Reread the essay if it is attention seeking or not. Whether the essay structure is coherent. Check out if you explain all the arguments placed in the introductory paragraph in the essay’s body.
Improve your study skills and polish your essay language. Check out for spelling mistakes, punctuation and grammar, these are the base of the essay.
Make sure you have chosen the appropriate transition words in the essay to show a connection between different points.
Follow all the tips and get the perfect essay.